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How Much Would it Cost to Fix Your iPhone
It's common for the screen, charging port, or back screen of your iPhone to break. And when this happens, you only have two options; to repair or replace. Purchasing a new iPhone comes with standard prices that are easily verifiable online. But for r...

Author: Eunice Njuguna

What Does a Computer Repair Topeka KS Technicians Do
Computer Repair Topeka, KS technicians perform all the necessary steps to repair the malfunctioning computer software and hardware. Upon calling a technician, they will first diagnose the issues with your computer system and ensure all are returned t...

Author: Tithi Raha

How to force quit on a mac
How to force quit on a mac Have you ever felt like smashing your computer into a million pieces just because an app misbehaves and is not responsive? Well, I am sure we all have been there once or twice. Therefore, instead of bashing your expensive ...

Author: James Fleming

Why Your Ipad Repair is Missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix It)
It's no secret that iPads have become an integral part of our lives. With so much depending on them, it's crucial to ensure they're in good shape. Unfortunately, many people are missing the mark regarding iPad repairs. There are a number of reasons ...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

What if I don't see a part I want in the custom Pc Builder?
Want to build your PC or hire someone? Worry less, for there are several ways to learn and build your PC in just a few days. Before you start, it could be wise to understand this industry's basics and principles. There are rules that a custom PC bui...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

How Soon After Damage Can I Get My Iphone Fixed?
iPhone users face different problems when using their phones. It forces them to take them to repair to resolve the issues. The duration taken depends on the level of damage. You must be careful when using your iPhone to prevent issues, as they can lo...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

What are the major iPhone issues that need repair?
iPhone users always stand out from the rest due to their excellent performance. That does not mean that they don't face any issues. Luckily, all the issues have solutions, and some people can help you solve them There are major iPhone issues that th...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

How to Fix a Tablet That Won't Connect to Wi-Fi
Most WI-FI connection issues result from different issues which are fixable. One must follow several steps and perform different actions to fix the issues. Troubleshooting WIFI issues are common amongst tablet users. If it's a software cause, you can...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

How To Turn off Touch Screen Vibration on Android
You are in the right place to learn how to turn off touch screen vibration on Android. Imagine our phone vibrating anytime you interact with it. It's a nuisance, right? This is something that you would love to do away with. However, there are ways to...

Author: Berts Njoroge

Tablet Repair: Common Tablet Problems And Solutions
After spending so much money on your new tablet, the expectations are always high. Many users dont have expectations of getting problems, thats not the reality. Tablet users experience several problems, and there are ways one can fix them.  The are ...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

Things You Didn't Know About Backup Services [What Are They?]
A good backup service is crucial for ensuring all your data is safe from hardware failure or accidental deletion. Backup services offer companies and individuals the protection they need to keep their data safe. With backup services, companies can co...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

What are the essential Android repair Smartphone Apps
Many people don't know the essential android repair apps to download on their android phones or their functions. If you are reading this article now, it means you are looking for answers, and I encourage you to keep on reading as this is one of our b...

Author: Nancy Museo

How to install a printer driver manually and from a device
Suppose you want to print documents on your computer and you find out your PC doesn't have printer drivers? It becomes challenging if you don't have the printer installer device at hand. However, as you will discover in this article, it is still poss...

Author: Gloria Mutuku

Hard Drive Tips: How to tell if a hard drive is hot swappable?
Various issues can accompany hot Swapping hard drives. Some can cause minimal damage, and others can make you curse yourself. This article will teach you how to check if your hard drive is hot-swappable or not and the best practices of hot-swapping h...

Author: Fay Kokri

How not to get ripped off buying a used computer or used parts
When purchasing a used computer for friends, I have unfortunately run into some scams or questionable deals in the past.  I want to share a few things I look for to ensure my investment is not a waste of time, energy, and money. On average, a used...

Author: James Fleming

Internet:How do you fixing internet connection issues in windows 10?
An unreliable internet connection can cost you a lot, especially if you work from home. When you are attending a zoom meeting or streaming movies or gaming and out of nowhere your internet drops or becomes so slow. This is a situation when you want t...

Author: Berts Njoroge

What Is Overclocking? Beginner's Guide to Speeding up PCs
Overclocking is essentially an act of manually increasing the clock speeds of the CPU, RAM, or GPU. It is common among computer geeks, IT professionals, and heavy computer users like Gamers interested in maximizing their processor's potential. To suc...

Author: Collins Okoth

What Does Airplane Mode Do, and Is It Really Necessary?
If you own a mobile phone or tablet, you are already familiar with the airplane mode feature. You are probably wondering what it is and if it is essential. This article will inform you all you need to know about airplane mode, why it is necessary to ...

Author: Gloria Mutuku

Internet Connection: Why Is My Internet So Slow
We all have experienced slow internet speeds in our homes. I will guide you on the best way you can speed up your home internet, how different factors affect your speeds, and getting the best internet plans for your home or office. I will also guide ...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

Why does my computer keep freezing
We all have faced a situation where you are using your computer at work, office, or school, and it happens- your computer randomly freezes. Your computer becomes useless, and you lose all the information on the projects at hand. I will guide you on h...

Author: Berts Njoroge

What Is End-to-End Encryption in Messenger?
Messenger has brought about a lot of privacy and safety tools in the past year. Some of these are app locks, disappearing messages, privacy settings, and message forwarding limits. However, the end-to-end encryption feature is still being worked on. ...

Author: Collins Okoth

What types of cyber-attacks and how to prevent them?
Cyber-attacks are real problems that are here to stay, as long as the internet. It doesn’t matter whether you are an individual, organization, or business. Cybersecurity risks will catch up with you, now or soon. With the spread of connectivity relia...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

Why Do We Need Ethics for Internet Users?
With the introduction of computers globally in the 1990s, the entire approach of working, communicating, and storing important information has changed. I mean, who would have thought that a machine can make one convey a message at any corner of the w...

Author: Collins Okoth

A Detailed Guide to Removing Ransomware in Windows 10
One of the main problems faced by internet companies today is Ransomware. For this reason, cybersecurity has continued to grow as an industry in general. Unfortunately, players on both sides can easily be described as the bad guys and the good guys. ...

Author: Collins Okoth

What is Ransomware How it Works and How to Remove it
Ransomware has grabbed the attention of many internet users, governments, and internet companies in recent years. Although Ransomware has been in existence for a long time, its effects have continued to be felt. Ransomware is short for Ransom Malware...

Author: Collins Okoth

Which Windows Computer is Best?
When you are in the market for a new computer, you will likely be debating whether to purchase a Mac or a Windows computer. However, this is not the end of the deliberating process; if you opt for a Windows computer, you will need to choose from a br...

Author: Collins Okoth

What Is an On-board Video Chipset
A chipset refers to a complex set of components in an integrated circuit. A chipset's main purpose is to manage data flow sequentially between the processor, memory, and all other computer components. Normally, all chipsets are mounted on the motherb...

Author: Collins Okoth

What Does a Firewall Do?
Before I started writing this, I thought to myself, “Who really needs a firewall?” But, as it turns out, most of us do. If your personal or company computer is connected to the internet, your network is always exposed to threats and risks. This mea...

Author: Ian Musyoka

What is The Darknet?
The US Department of Defense developed an encrypted and anonymized network in the late ‘90s. The intention behind developing this network was to operate a secure and inaccessible network that would offer absolute protection and shielding from US Gove...

Author: Collins Okoth

Quantum Computers Explained Simply
In the 1930s, Alan Turing developed the Turing machine. This machine comprises an unlimited length of tape that was subdivided into small squares. Each one of these little squares could either store a 1 or a 0 or be left blank. Consequently, a read a...

Author: Collins Okoth

How To Replace a Computer Processor
I may have some bad news for you. Buying a new processor for your computer may mean that you have to purchase a new motherboard and RAM as well. However, before the replacement process starts, you need to pick the correct equipment for the replacemen...

Author: Delilah Daut

How To Replace a Motherboard
Simple as it may sound, replacing a motherboard is a complex process. If you think of it from disassembling your computer, replacing a motherboard is like half the task. It is time-consuming, and both experienced and inexperienced people require seve...

Author: Eunice Njuguna

Which Computers Are the Best?
PCs have more power than ever before. Their evolution has enabled them to pack high-end graphics cards and eight-core processors, with some offering real-time ray tracing. Remarkably, some of these things were not possible a few years back. With that...

Author: Delilah Daut

How Do I Destroy a Hard Drive?
You can never be too careful when it comes to protecting your sensitive information, and you wouldn't be alone in thinking that just wiping a hard drive clean might not be taking things far enough. Whatever your reasons for wanting to completely dest...

Author: Trey Williams

What Does CPU Socket Type Mean
As a gamer, I’ve always loved building my own rigs. However, I came across different CPU (Central Processing Unit) socket types from different manufacturers in building rigs. “What is a CPU socket,” you ask? Great question! CPU sockets have two diff...

Author: Emman Jemuel

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