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When Is Binary Code Used? Understanding its Uses in Technology
Are you curious about when binary code is used? Look no further. This article will explore the common uses of binary code in technology and how it plays a role in the functioning of computers and digital devices. As a whole, binary code is used in a...

Author: Newton Waweru

Searching for a Song by Humming on Google
Finding a song through humming can be challenging, but with the help of Google and other tools, it is possible to identify the song you have in mind. Here Are Some Steps You Can Follow to Find a Song on Google Through Humming: Start by humming th...

Author: James Fleming

Copying & Pasting On a Mac Computer
Any computer user needs to be able to copy and paste. Copying and pasting make it simpler to move information from one place to another, whether working on a paper or browsing the web. The procedure is significantly easier if you use a Mac. Apple c...

Author: James Fleming

Where to Find Information on In-home Computer Service Online
If you're like most people, your computer is an important part of your life. You use it for work, school, entertainment, and communication. When something goes wrong with it, it can be a huge inconvenience. Many people use in-home computer services i...

Author: Faith Cheruiyot

How to clear my browser history
Importance of clearing browser historyWhen you visit a website, your browser usually stores some information concerning the place, that is, the location of the site you visited, the file you have been using in running the application, and other downl...

Author: James Fleming

Quick Steps on how to set Google Chrome as a Default Browser
The whole process of setting Chrome as your PC's default browser varies depending on the PC operating system. So it is right for us to say that different operating systems have different ways in which you can customize your computer to achieve Chrome...

Author: James Fleming

The 10 Best Web Browsers for Windows in 2022
Today's web is a constantly moving target, and the web browsers we use to navigate it have changed. Browsers come and go pretty regularly, and each new release typically brings a host of new and exciting features that set it apart from its predecesso...

Author: James Fleming

Windows 10 Task Manager: The Complete Guide
Windows task manager is a valuable tool for your PC. However, understanding how it works and when you need it is something else. So, I have compiled a comprehensive guide on Windows 10 task manager that will help you make use of it. Let's get started...

Author: Fay Kokri

What Is a Burner Phone, and When Should You Use One
I have been wondering how a burner phone can be used or if it is necessary to have one. I am sure I'm not the only one with such questions, so I did my research and wrote this article on burner phones and in which instances they can be helpful to bot...

Author: Janet Kathalu

Beginner Guide: How to Become an Ethical Hacker
Dreaming to become an ethical hacker is one thing and becoming one in another one. It is not an easy ride in the park. The challenges and rough rides are part of the ethical hacker's journey. Allow me to take you the best ways to become an ethical ha...

Author: Berts Njoroge

What things can you do on the dark web?
Have you always wondered what goes on in the dark web? I understand your curiosity, and I am here to break down all you need to know about the dark. Anything in darkness will be brought to light, literally.  There are a lot of activities that happen...

Author: Berts Njoroge

What is HTTPs, and Why Should I Care about it?
Most people often confuse HTTP and HTTPs, some think they can be used interchangeably, and so on. However, there is a simple and clear difference between HTTP and HTTPs in computer networking. Simply put, HTTPs is an abbreviation for  Secure Hypertex...

Author: Collins Okoth

Can You Get a Keylogger Just by Visiting a Website?
Ever since malware and virus infections have started to increase at a rapid pace, the fear of getting a keylogger just by visiting a website is bothering many people. After all, a majority of internet users access a lot of websites on a daily basis. ...

Author: Tithi Raha

Does private browsing actually work?
With today's advanced technology, targeted ads and recommendation algorithms leave no space for privacy online. In line with this, you could expect your 'private' surfing through incognito mode to stay private, whereby you can remain anonymous. Howev...

Author: Collins Okoth

How Do Search Engines Work?
You’re in the kitchen making your mom’s favorite pizza. To get topping ideas, you open your web browser to perform a search. You type ‘topping ideas’ in the search box, hit ‘Enter,’ and get eighty-nine million results in about half a second. For th...

Author: Ian Musyoka

What Happens When a Site I Use Gets Hacked?
In the Internet’s virtual world, security is very confusing as compared to the real world. Security is messy; difficult to develop and sustain. As much as the Internet is built around a system of protocols, these rules can often be ignored.    When...

Author: Ian Musyoka

How to Get Rid of Computer Pop-Ups
If you have had the chance to encounter pop-ups when working with your computer, you understand how frustrating and irritating it can get. They will slow down your device and even create a gateway for other malware to infect your computer. No compute...

Author: Cate Greff

What is The Darknet?
The US Department of Defense developed an encrypted and anonymized network in the late ‘90s. The intention behind developing this network was to operate a secure and inaccessible network that would offer absolute protection and shielding from US Gove...

Author: Collins Okoth

Quantum Computers Explained Simply
In the 1930s, Alan Turing developed the Turing machine. This machine comprises an unlimited length of tape that was subdivided into small squares. Each one of these little squares could either store a 1 or a 0 or be left blank. Consequently, a read a...

Author: Collins Okoth

How To Clear Your Cache
If you've ever struggled to access specific websites or failed to load an image on a webpage, no matter how many times you hit refresh, you've probably been advised to “clear your cache.” In fact, the only phrase more common in the world of IT and te...

Author: Trey Williams

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